Is There A Scala Equivalent Of The Python List Unpack (a.k.a. "*") Operator?
Solution 1:
There is no direct equivalent in scala.
The closest thing you will find is the usage of _*
, which works on vararg methods only.
By example, here is an example of a vararg method:
def hello( names: String*) {
println( "Hello " + names.mkString(" and " ) )
which can be used with any number of arguments:
scala> hello()
scala> hello("elwood")
Hello elwood
scala> hello("elwood", "jake")
Hello elwood and jake
Now, if you have a list of strings and want to pass them to this method, the way to unpack it is through _*
scala> val names = List("john", "paul", "george", "ringo")
names: List[String] = List(john, paul, george, ringo)
scala> hello( names: _* )
Hello john and paul and george and ringo
Solution 2:
You can get some way towards the Python using shapeless,
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scala> import shapeless._
import shapeless._
scala> import Traversables._
import Traversables._
scala> caseclass ThreeValues(one: String, two: String, three: String)
defined class ThreeValues
scala> val argList = List("one","two","three")
argList: List[String] = List(one, two, three)
scala> argList.toHList[String :: String :: String :: HNil].map(_.tupled).map(ThreeValues.tupled)
res0:Option[ThreeValues] = Some(ThreeValues(one,two,three))
As you can see, a little more ceremony is required in Scala with shapeless. This is because shapeless imposes compile time constraints which are guaranteed to be satisfied at runtime (unlike the python, which will fail at runtime if args
is the wrong size or contains elements of the wrong type) ... instead you're forced to specify the type you expect the List to have (in this case exactly three Strings
) and be prepared to handle the case where that expectation isn't satisfied (because the result is explicitly an Option
of ThreeValues
Solution 3:
There is something similar for functiones: tupled
It converts a function that takes n parameters into a function that takes one argument of type n-tuple.
See this question for more information: scala tuple unpacking
Such a method for arrays wouldn't make much sense, because it would only work with functions with multiple arguments of same type.
Solution 4:
Another way of unpacking a list:
val a :: b :: c :: _ = argList
val z = ThreeValues(a, b, c)
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