Find Path From A List Of Tuples In Python
I have a list of tuples of the form: data = [('Abe', 'Bob', '3'), ('Abe', 'Frank', '5'), ('Abe', 'George', '4'), ('Carl', 'Bob', '1'), ('Dan', 'Car
Solution 1:
There are several packages that are already developed and debugged that do this, e.g., networkx
import networkx as nx
data = [('Abe', 'Bob', '3'),
('Abe', 'Frank', '5'),
('Abe', 'George', '4'),
('Carl', 'Bob', '1'),
('Dan', 'Carl', '2')]
g = nx.Graph()
for e indata:
g.add_edge(e[0], e[1], distance=int(e[2]))
>>> nx.shortest_path(g, 'Abe', 'Bob', 'distance'), nx.shortest_path_length(g, 'Abe', 'Bob', 'distance')
(['Abe', 'Bob'], 3)
Solution 2:
You could generate all the possible paths, and sort them by weight. Note I've changed the weights in the data to be numbers, not strings:
data = [
('Abe', 'Bob', 3),
('Abe', 'Frank', 5),
('Abe', 'George', 4),
('Carl', 'Bob', 1),
('Dan', 'Carl', 2),
NODES = slice(1, None)
def get_path_and_weight(data, start, end):
paths = [[0, start]]
added =True
while added:
added =Falseforfirst, second, weight in data:
for path in paths:
candidate =None
if (firstin path[NODES]) and (secondnotin path[NODES]):
candidate =second
elif (firstnotin path[NODES]) and (secondin path[NODES]):
candidate =first
if candidate:
new_path = list(path)
new_path[WEIGHT] += weight
if new_path notin paths:
added =Truefor path in sorted(paths):
if endin path[NODES]:
return path
You can then call this something like:
weight, *path = get_path_and_weight(data, "Abe", "Dan")
print(path, "with weight", weight)
Gives the result:
['Abe', 'Bob', 'Carl', 'Dan'] with weight 6
And since it returns a path or None
, you can still use it as predicate function as well:
if get_path_and_weight(data, "Abe", "Dan"):
Solution 3:
rpath = []
nxt_dst = start
weight_ = 0
for datum in data:
if nxt_dst in datum:
#print datum
fm_ = datum[0]
to_ = datum[1]
weight_ = weight_ + int(datum[2])
if fm_ == nxt_dst:
nxt_dst = to_
nxt_dst = fm_
if nxt_dst == end:
print rpath,weight_,reachable
Sample Output
['Abe', 'Bob', 'Carl', 'Dan']6 True
['Dan', 'Carl']2 False
Above example can may get path and determine if reachable, but I think you need to further enhance it to handle multiple paths too.
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