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Unable To Perform Cloud Function Trigger A Http Triggered Cloud Function That Doesn't Allow Unauthenticated Invocations?

I have a situation where I am trying to create two Cloud Functions namely CF1 & CF2 and I have one Cloud Scheduler. Both cloud functions are having authenticated invocation ena

Solution 1:

Two things are happening here:

  1. You're not using request-futures entirely correctly. Since the request is made asynchronously, you need to block on the result before the function implicitly returns, otherwise it might return before your HTTP request completes (although it probably is in this example):
session = FuturesSession()
future = session.get("{}".format(cf2_endpoint))
resp = future.result()  # Block on the request completing
  1. The request you're making to the second function is not actually an authenticated request. Outbound requests from a Cloud Function are not authenticated by default. If you looked at what the actual response is above, you would see:
>>> resp.status_code
>>> resp.content
b'\n<html><head>\n<metahttp-equiv="content-type"content="text/html;charset=utf-8">\n<title>403 Forbidden</title>\n</head>\n<bodytext=#000000bgcolor=#ffffff>\n<h1>Error: Forbidden</h1>\n<h2>Your client does not have permission to get URL <code>/function_two</code> from this server.</h2>\n<h2></h2>\n</body></html>\n'

You could jump through a lot of hoops to properly authenticate this request, as detailed in the docs:

However, a better alternative would be to make your second function a "background" function and invoke it via a PubSub message published from the first function instead:

from import pubsub

publisher = pubsub.PublisherClient()
topic_name = 'projects/{project_id}/topics/{topic}'.format(
    project_id=<your project id>,
    topic='MY_TOPIC_NAME',  # Set this to something appropriate.

    message = b'My first message!'
    publisher.publish(topic_name, message)

deffunction_two(event, context):
    message = event['data'].decode('utf-8')

As long as your functions have the permissions to publish PubSub messages, this avoids the need to add authorization to the HTTP requests, and also ensures at-least-once delivery.

Solution 2:

Google Cloud Function provide REST API interface what include call method that can be used in another Cloud Function HTTP invokation. Although the documentation mention using Google-provided client libraries there is still non one for Cloud Function on Python.

And instead you need to use general Google API Client Libraries. [This is the python one].3

Probably, the main difficulties while using this approach is an understanding of authentification process. Generally you need provide two things to build a client service: credentials ans scopes.

The simpliest way to get credentials is relay on Application Default Credentials (ADC) library. The rigth documentation about that are:


The place where to get scopes is the each REST API function documentation page. Like, OAuth scope:

The complete code example of calling 'hello-world' clound fucntion is below. Before run:

  1. Create default Cloud Function on GCP in your project.
  • Keep and notice the default service account to use
  • Keep the default body.
  1. Notice the project_id, function name, location where you deploy function.
  2. If you will call function outside Cloud Function environment (locally for instance) setup the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS according the doc mentioned above
  3. If you will call actualy from another Cloud Function you don't need to configure credentials at all.
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from googleapiclient.discovery_cache.base import Cache
import google.auth

import pprint as pp

        _CACHE = {}

        defget(self, url):
            return MemoryCache._CACHE.get(url)

        defset(self, url, content):
            MemoryCache._CACHE[url] = content

    scopes = ['']

    # If the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS is set,# ADC uses the service account file that the variable points to.## If the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS isn't set,# ADC uses the default service account that Compute Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, App Engine, Cloud Run,# and Cloud Functions provide## see more on
    credentials, project_id = google.auth.default(scopes)

    service = build('cloudfunctions', 'v1', credentials=credentials, cache=MemoryCache())
    return service

google_api_service = get_cloud_function_api_service()
name = 'projects/{project_id}/locations/us-central1/functions/function-1'
body = {
    'data': '{ "message": "It is awesome, you are develop on Stack Overflow language!"}'# json passed as a string
result_call = google_api_service.projects().locations().functions().call(name=name, body=body).execute()
# expected out out is:# {'executionId': '3h4c8cb1kwe2', 'result': 'It is awesome, you are develop on Stack Overflow language!'}

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