How Can I Store Testing Data For Python Nosetests?
Solution 1:
I think that using __file__
to figure out where the test is located and storing data alongside the it is a good idea. I'm doing the same for some tests that I write.
is probably the best you are going to get, and that's not bad. :-)
Solution 2:
Based on the idea of using __file__
, maybe you could use a module to help with the path construction. You could find all the files contained in the module directory, gather their name and path in a dictionnary for later use.
Create a module accessible to your tests, i.e. a directory besides your test such as testData, where you can put your data files. In the
of this module, insert the following code.
import os
from os.path import join,dirname,abspath
testDataFiles = dict()
baseDir = dirname(abspath(__file__)) + os.path.sep
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(baseDir):
localDataFiles = [(join(root.replace(baseDir,""),name), join(root,name)) for name in files]
testDataFiles.update( dict(localDataFiles))
Assuming you called your module testData
and it contains a file called data.txt
you can then use the following construct in your test to obtain the path to the file. aFileOperation
is assumed to be a function that take a parameter path
import unittest
from testData import testDataFiles
self.assertEqual( 0, aFileOperation(testDataFiles['data.txt'] )
It will also allow you to use subdirectories such as
self.assertEqual( 0, aFileOperation(testDataFiles['subdir\\data.txt'] )
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