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Pango Attributes With Pygobject

I have the following code, that uses pygtk: attr = pango.AttrList() attr.change(pango.AttrSize(( 50 * window_height / 100) * 1000, 0, -1)) attr.change(pango.AttrFamily(

Solution 1:

Edit: As the method override_font is deprecated you should use CSS as is described at this page -

The rest of the answer stays for history purposes.

I have no idea why that wouldn't work.

Here's a method to do it.

def set_global_styles(self, editor_widget):
    pango_context = editor_widget.create_pango_context()
    font_description = pango_context.get_font_description()
    increase = 14 #pt 14
    font_size = 1024*increase

So far the easiest way I found to do it. Late answer, but better late than never.

Just in case some resources for Pango and using the above code. I'm not sure if all the documentation for Pango applies to gtk3, but it worked for me.

Pango context set font description

Pango font description

Pango fonts in gtk

Pango layout

GtkWidget inherited by text editors among other objects.

Solution 2:

from this mail I found that this runs without runtime error:

    from gi.repository importPangoren= Gtk.CellRendererText()
    ren.set_property('alignment', Pango.Alignment.RIGHT)

although in my code this did NOT make the content align to the right, but I might have another error in my code. Most important here is that the above code seems to be the translation for pygtk stuff like import pango and: pango.ALIGN_RIGHT

This is not the complete answer to OP, but hopefully one step nearer.

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