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Error While Executing The Chromedriver In Python

Am facing the below error while executing the chromedriver in selenium-python. Error:WebDriverException: 'chromedriver' executable needs to be in PATH. Please see

Solution 1:

driver: WebDriver = webdriver.Chrome("/Users/this can change/PycharmProjects/this is the title of the project/drivers/chromedriver")

SO in order to reach the above point: 1) Dowload Chromedriver (I guess you already did it) 2) On your project title (if you use pycharm it is up-left) and click dx to open the menu>New>Directory and give the name of the new directory "Drivers". 3)From Download forlder, or whatever position your chromedriver.exe file has been downloaded in step 1), take it and drag it into the "Download" folder. 4)Click right on the folder "Drivers">click on "Copy Path" 5)Past the "Copy Path" just after driver: WebDriver = webdriver.Chrome("HERE")

If this explanation sounds difficult just click here:

Solution 2:

You can try as following

driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=r'Path_to_chrome_Driver\\chromedriver.exe')

Please download chrome driver for selenium Chrome Driver. Then enter the chrome driver location.

Note: Make sure you have downloaded the correct chromedriver based on your chrome browser version.

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