How To Compile Python Code That Uses Boto To Access S3?
Solution 1:
I actually got this to work. The answer was to ditch boto and use the poster library instead. I still use boto to generate a signed policy and the necessary form fields for POST I do via poster, but the actual executable that does the POST only includes poster now. With just poster in the mix, py2exe doesn't have any issues creating a standalone executable for me for redistribution.
Solution 2:
I know this is an old question, but I had the same problem and fixed it while still using py2exe and py2app. Just use the 'packages' option instead of the 'includes' option in your
extra = {}
mainscript = "foo/"ifis_os_x():
extra["setup_requires"] =['py2app']
extra["app"] = [mainscript]
extra["options"] = { "py2app": {
"packages": ['email'],
elif is_windows():
extra["setup_requires"] =['py2exe']
extra['console'] = [mainscript]
extra['options'] = {'py2exe': {
# Includes that py2exe doesn't include automatically'packages': ['email'],
# snip
** extra
Hope that helps.
Solution 3:
I've managed to create working exe with boto & py2exe
Add to your
from email.mime.multipartimportMIMEMultipartfrom email.mime.textimportMIMEText
Next error is with HTTPS connection, it seems that py2exe is "hiding" cert file somehow.. The way to fix this is 1) use HTTP OR 2) dont check certs
conn = boto.connect_dynamodb(
aws_access_key_id = ' ',
aws_secret_access_key = ' ',
is_secure = False)
"is_secure = False" is crutial
conn = boto.connect_dynamodb(
aws_access_key_id = ' ',
aws_secret_access_key = ' ',
is_secure = True,
validate_certs = False)
"validate_certs = False" is crutial
If someone figures out how to fix error in cert validation, please reply !
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