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Closures In Python

I've been trying to learn Python, and while I'm enthusiastic about using closures in Python, I've been having trouble getting some code to work properly: def memoize(fn): def g

Solution 1:

The problem is in your scoping, not in your closures. If you're up for some heavy reading, then you can try

If that's not the case, here's the simple explanation:

The problem is in the statement global get . global refers to the outermost scope, and since there isn't any global function get, it throws.

What you need, is an access specifier for variables in the enclosing scope, and not the global scope.

In python 3.0, as I've tested, the nonlocal keyword is exactly what you need, in the place of global.

nonlocal get

In python 2.x, I just removed the global get and the oldget references and it works properly.

Solution 2:

You want to put global get at the beginning of every function (except get itself).

the def get is an assignment to the name get, so you want get to be declared global before that.

Putting global get in mfun and vset makes them work. I can't point to the scoping rules that makes this necessary, but it works ;-)

Your conses are quite lispy too... :)

Solution 3:

Get is not global, but local to the surrounding function, that's why the global declaration fails.

If you remove the global, it still fails, because you can't assign to the captured variable name. To work around that, you can use an object as the variable captured by your closures and than just change properties of that object:


def memoize(fn):
    def defaultget(key):
        return (False,)

    memo = Memo()
    memo.get = defaultget

    def vset(key, value):
        oldget = memo.get
        def newget(ky):
            if key==ky: return (True, value)
            return oldget(ky)
        memo.get = newget

    def mfun(*args):
        cache = memo.get(args)
        if cache[0]: return cache[1]

        val = apply(fn, args)
        vset(args, val)
        returnvalreturn mfun

This way you don't need to assign to the captured variable names but still get what you wanted.

Solution 4:

Probably because you want the global get while it isn't a global? By the way, apply is deprecated, use fn(*args) instead.

def memoize(fn):
    def get(key):
        return (False,)

    def vset(key, value):
        def newget(ky):
            if key==ky: return (True, value)
        get = newget

    def mfun(*args):
        cache = get(args)
        if (cache[0]): return cache[1]

        val = fn(*args)
        vset(args, val)
        returnvalreturn mfun

def fib(x):
    if x<2: return x
    return fib(x-1)+fib(x-2)

def fibm(x):
    if x<2: return x
    return fibm(x-1)+fibm(x-2)

fibm = memoize(fibm)

Solution 5:

I think the best way would be:

        self.cache = {}
        self.func = func
        if args in self.cache: return cache[args]
            self.cache[args] = self.func(*args)
            return self.cache[args]

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