How To Get Values Above The Bars On A Seaborn Countplot Grouped Using "melt"
I have a seaborn count plot, but instead of colour bars I need the value above each bar. My input is pandas data frame. ax = sns.countplot(x='variable', hue='value', data=pd.melt(d
Solution 1:
Sometimes it's easier to not try to find ways to tweak seaborn, but rather to directly use matplotlib and build a chart up from scratch.
Here, we can assume to have a dataframe named counts
that looks like
hue c m w
C 85203117
where the index are the positions along x axis and the columns are the different hues. In the following, groupedbarplot
is a function to take such dataframe as input and plot the bars as groups, and in addition add a label to each one of them.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np; np.random.seed(42)
defgroupedbarplot(df, width=0.8, annotate="values", ax=None, **kw):
ax = ax or plt.gca()
n = len(df.columns)
w = 1./n
pos = (np.linspace(w/2., 1-w/2., n)-0.5)*width
w *= width
bars = []
for col, x inzip(df.columns, pos):
bars.append(, df[col].values, width=w, **kw))
for val, xi inzip(df[col].values, np.arange(len(df))+x):
if annotate:
txt = val if annotate == "values"else col
ax.annotate(txt, xy=(xi, val), xytext=(0,2),
textcoords="offset points",
ha="center", va="bottom")
return bars
df = pd.DataFrame({"class" : np.random.choice(list("ABC"), size=700, p=[.1,.3,.6]),
"hue" : np.random.choice(["m", "w" ,"c"], size=700, p=[.5,.3,.2])})
counts = df.groupby(["class", "hue"]).size().unstack()
groupedbarplot(counts, annotate="col")
We could also label the values directly, groupedbarplot(counts, annotate="values")
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