Python List Help (incrementing Count, Appending)
Solution 1:
With collections.Counter
, you could do :
from collections import Counter
# initial values
c=Counter({("Mumbai", 1, 2):5, ("San Francisco", 3,4): 4})
#adding entries
c.update([('Mumbai', 1, 2)])
print c # Counter({('Mumbai', 1, 2): 6, ('San Francisco', 3, 4): 4})
c.update([('Mumbai', 1, 2), ("San Diego", 5,6)])
print c #Counter({('Mumbai', 1, 2): 7, ('San Francisco', 3, 4): 4, ('San Diego', 5, 6): 1})
Solution 2:
This would be better stored as a dictionary, indexed by city name. You could store it as two dictionaries, one dictionary of tuples for latitude/longitude (since lat/long never changes):
lat_long_dict = {}
lat_long_dict["San Francisco"] = (x, y)
lat_long_dict["Mumbai"] = (x1, y1)
And a collections.defaultdict
for the count, so that it always starts at 0:
import collections
city_counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
city_counts["San Francisco"] += 1
city_counts["Mumbai"] += 1
city_counts["San Francisco"] += 1
# city counts would be
# defaultdict(<type'int'>, {'San Francisco': 2, 'Mumbai': 1})
Solution 3:
Python has a pre-baked class specifically for counting occurences of things: its called collections.Counter
. If you can generate an iterator that gives successive tuples (city, lat, lon)
from your input data (perhaps with a generator expression), simply passing that into Counter
will directly give you what you're looking for. eg,
>>> locations = [('Miami', 1, 1), ('San Francisco', 2, 2), ('Mumbai', 3, 3), ('Miami', 1, 1), ('Miami', 1, 1)]
>>> Counter(locations)
Counter({('Miami', 1, 1): 3, ('San Francisco', 2, 2): 1, ('Mumbai', 3, 3): 1})
If you need to be able to add more locations as the program runs instead of batching them, put the relevant tuples into that Counter's update
Solution 4:
This is sort of an amalgamation of all the other recommended ideas:
from collections import defaultdict
inputdata = [('Miami', 'x2', 'y2'),
('San Francisco', 'x', 'y'),
('San Francisco', 'x4', 'y4'),
('Mumbai', 'x1', 'y1'),
('Cairo', 'x3', 'y3')]
counts, coords = defaultdict(int), defaultdict(list)
for location, lat, lon in inputdata:
counts[location] += 1print counts, coords
This uses defaultdict, which, as you can see allows for an easy way to both:
- count the number of occurrences by city
- keep lat/lon pairs intact
defaultdict(<type'int'>, {'Miami': 1, 'San Francisco': 2, 'Cairo': 1, 'Mumbai': 1})
defaultdict(<type'list'>, {'Miami': [('x2', 'y2')], 'San Francisco': [('x', 'y'), ('x4', 'y4')], 'Cairo': [('x3', 'y3')], 'Mumbai': [('x1', 'y1')]})
This answer makes an (unverified) assumption that the granularity of your lat/lon pairs are unlikely to repeat, but that in fact you're only interested in making counts-by-city.
Solution 5:
How about using a python dict? You can read about them here
Here is a sample implementation:
// Create an empty dictionary.
dat = {}
if dat.has_key(location):
dat[location] = dat[location] + 1else:
dat[location] = 1
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