Exponent Digits In Scientific Notation In Python
In Python, scientific notation always gives me 2 digits in exponent: print('%17.8E\n' % 0.0665745511651039) 6.65745512E-02 However, I badly want to have 3 digits like: 6.65745512E
Solution 1:
Unfortunately, you can not change this default behavior since you can not override the str
However, you can wrap the float, and use the __format__
class MyNumber:
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
def __format__(self,format_spec):
ss = ('{0:'+format_spec+'}').format(self.val)
if ( 'E'in ss):
mantissa, exp = ss.split('E')
return mantissa + 'E'+ exp[0] + '0' + exp[1:]
return ss
print( '{0:17.8E}'.format( MyNumber(0.0665745511651039)))
Solution 2:
You can use your own formatter and override format_field
import string
class MyFormatter(string.Formatter):
def format_field(self, value, format_spec):
ss = string.Formatter.format_field(self,value,format_spec)
if format_spec.endswith('E'):
if ( 'E'in ss):
mantissa, exp = ss.split('E')
return mantissa + 'E'+ exp[0] + '0' + exp[1:]
return ss
print( MyFormatter().format('{0:17.8E}',0.00665745511651039) )
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