Receiving End Of Socket Splits Data When Printed
Solution 1:
TCP is a stream protocol, not a message protocol.
As far as TCP is concerned, s.send("abd"); s.send("def");
is exactly the same thing as s.send("abcdef")
. At the other end of the socket, when you go to receive, it may return as soon as the first send arrives and give you "abc"
, but it could just as easily return "abcdef"
, or "a"
, or "abcd"
. They're all perfectly legal, and your code has to be able to deal with all of them.
If you want to process entire messages separately, it's up to you to build a protocol that delineates messages—whether that means using some separator that can't appear in the actual data (possibly because, if it does appear in the actual data, you escape it), or length-prefixing each message, or using some self-delineating format like JSON.
It looks like you're part-way to building such a thing, because you've got that split('|')
for some reason. But you still need to add the rest of it—loop around receiving bytes, adding them to a buffer, splitting any complete messages off the buffer to process them, and holding any incomplete message at the end for the next loop. And, of course, sending the |
separators on the other side.
For example, your Java code can do this:
out.writeBytes(s + "|");
Then, on the Python side:
buf = ""while True:
data = conne.recvall(1024)
if not data:
# socket closed
if buf:
# but we still had a leftover message
buf += data
pieces = buf.split("|")
buf = pieces.pop()
for piece in pieces:
That process_message
function can handle the special "quit" message, print out anything else, whatever you want. (And if it's simple enough, you can inline it into the two places it's called.)
From a comment, it sounds like you wanted to use that |
to separate fields within each message, not to separate messages. If so, just pick another character that will never appear in your data and use that in place of |
above (and then do the msg.split('|')
inside process_message
). One really nice option is \n
, because then (on the Python side) you can use socket.makefile
, which gives you a file-like object that does the buffering for you and just yields lines one by one when you iterate it (or call readline
on it, if you prefer).
For more detail on this, see Sockets are byte streams, not message streams.
As a side note, I also removed the running
flag, because the only time you're ever going to set it, you're also going to break
, so it's not doing any good. (But if you are going to test a flag, just use while running:
, not while running == True:
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