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Get Bash Output With Python

I'm trying to make a simple command that will let me run bash fully in Python, including output strings. This function worked great on systems I use at my job: import subprocess d

Solution 1:

I'm leaving this question up because I think the run() command above is useful and I couldn't find anything similar on SO.

However, my solution was very system specific. The problem was, I am running this script within Sublime Text 2 and had manually replaced the path in Python.sublime-settings with


I did this because I'd had problems getting ST2 to find the right version of python. Well, this also overwrites the system-wide PATH variable within ST2, thus blocking my access to simple shell programs like ls.

Erasing the "path": ... line from Python.sublime-settings fixed my problem.


As suggested by mklement0, changing the line to append the path works as well:

"path": "$PATH:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin/",

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