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Intersecting Matplotlib Graph With Unsorted Data

When plotting some points with matplotlib I encountered some strange behavior when creating a graph. Here is the code to produce this graph. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt desc_x

Solution 1:

You can maintain the order using numpy's argsort function.

Argsort "...returns an array of indices of the same shape as a that index data along the given axis in sorted order.", so we can use this to re-order the x and y coordinates together. Here's how it's done:

import matplotlib.pyplotas plt
import numpy as np

desc_x =[4000,3000,2000,2500,2750,2250,2300,2400,2450,2350]
rmse_desc = [.31703 , .31701, .31707, .31700, .31713, .31698, .31697, .31688, .31697, .31699]

order = np.argsort(desc_x)
xs = np.array(desc_x)[order]
ys = np.array(rmse_desc)[order]

fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.subplot(111)


ax.plot(xs, ys, 'b', label='desc' )

enter image description here

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