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Grade Average Calculator

Here is the question I am working on : You want to know your grade in Computer Science, so write a program that continuously takes grades between 0 and 100 to standard input u

Solution 1:

I'll give you a thorough outline to help you with this process algorithmically.

  • Total variable to 0, count variable to 0, and use an empty input string.
  • Create a while loop that runs until the input variable is the word stop.
  • Add input as integer to total. Add one to the count. Take input again.
  • Outside of loop divide total as float divided by the cumulative count.

Now let's try putting this algorithm together in code. Do as I do down below.

# Code Block 1

count = 0# count variable
total = 0# total variable

enter = ''# input variablewhile enter != 'stop':
    enter = input('Enter a grade:' )

    if enter != 'stop'and enter.isdigit():
        total += int(enter) # add to total value
        count = count + 1# then to the countprintfloat(total) / count

# Code Block 2

numbers = []

while enter != 'stop':
    enter = input('Enter a grade:' )

    if enter != 'stop':

printsum(numbers) / float(len(numbers))

Solution 2:

It looks like you might be going into an infinite loop. Your while statement is waiting for score to change, but you don't modify score within the loop. You should add

score = input("Enter a score:")

inside of your while loop.

Solution 3:

The following code was accepted by my Person textbook. The question specified the following caveat, but otherwise appears to be the same question: "When reading the input, do not display a prompt for the user. Use the input()function with no prompt string."

total = int()
numOfGrades = int()
grade = str()
average = float()

grade = input()

while grade != "stop":
    numOfGrades = numOfGrades + 1
    total = total + int(grade)
    average = total/numOfGrades
    grade = input()
print (average)

Solution 4:

total = 0
total_quiz = 0
inpt = input("Stop? or enter score")
while inpt.upper() != "STOP":
    ifint(inpt) < 100andint(inpt) > 0:
        total += int(inpt)
        total_quiz += 1else:
        print("Score to high or to low")
    inpt = input("Stop? or enter score")
print(total / total_quiz)

Since your new, you should also know correct indentations is very important in python.

Solution 5:

Your while loop is not indented but I don't know if this is a typo - your main problem is that you need an if statement and your input statement needs to be in the while loop, this is a very simple program that just alters your code (so you should understand it):

total = 0
q = 0#need 0 so counter is correct
score = ""#need to declare scoreprint("Enter 'stop' to exit program") #Need to tell user how to quitwhile score != "stop": # you can use while score.lower() != stop to check all cases
    score = input("Enter a score:") 
    #You need to ask the question everytime so it should be in the while loopif score == "stop": #This is the part you were missing a conditional statementbreak#if statment in this case that exits the loop when score is stop
    total += int(score) #you can use += here too
    q += 1#moved from top so it doesn't add on the last run (when exited)

avg = total / q

Using a similar if statement to check if (hint search for else if) the variable is between 0 and 100 I leave to you but feel free to ask if you're still stuck.

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