How To Couple Advection Diffusion Reaction Pdes With Fipy
I tried to solve 1D coupled PDEs for an advection-diffusion-reaction problem with the Matlab function Pdepe ( This function is
Solution 1:
Several issues:
- python chained comparisons do not work in numpy and therefore do not work in FiPy. So, write
Further, this makesu10 = (4*L/10 < x) & (x < 6*L/10)
a field of Booleans, which confuses FiPy, so write
or, better yet, writeu10 = ((4*L/10 < x) & (x < 6*L/10)) * 1.
u1 = CellVariable(name="u1", mesh=mesh, value=0., hasOld=True) u2 = CellVariable(name="u2", mesh=mesh, value=1., hasOld=True) u1.setValue(1., where=(4*L/10 < x) & (x < 6*L/10))
takes a vector coefficient. One way to get this is
which represents a 1D rank-1 variableconvCoeff = g*(x-L/2) * [[1.]]
- If you declare which
applies to, you must do it for allTerm
s, so write, e.g.,ConvectionTerm(coeff=convCoeff, var=u1)
ConvectionTerm(coeff=g*x, var=u1)
does not represent g * x * du1/dx. It represents d(g * x * u1)/dx. So, I believe you'll wantConvectionTerm(coeff=convCoeff, var=u1) - ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=g, var=u1)
ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=sourceCoeff1, var=u1
does not represent-1*mu1*u1/(K+u1)*u2
, rather it represents-1*mu1*u1/(K+u1)*u2*u1
. So, for best coupling between equations, writesourceCoeff1 = -mu1*u1/(K+u1) sourceCoeff2 = mu2*u2/(K+u1) ... ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=sourceCoeff1, var=u2) ... ... ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=sourceCoeff2, var=u1) ...
As pointed out by @wd15 in the comments, you are declaring four equations for two unknowns.
does not mean "add two equations together" (which can be accomplished with+
), rather it means "solve these two equations simultaneously". So, writesourceCoeff1 = mu1*u1/(K+u1) sourceCoeff2 = mu2*u2/(K+u1) eq1 = (TransientTerm(var=u1) == DiffusionTerm(coeff=D1, var=u1) + ConvectionTerm(coeff=convCoeff, var=u1) - ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=g, var=u1) - ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=sourceCoeff1, var=u2)) eq2 = (TransientTerm(var=u2) == DiffusionTerm(coeff=D2, var=u2) + ConvectionTerm(coeff=convCoeff, var=u2) - ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=g, var=u2) + ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=sourceCoeff2, var=u1)) eqn = eq1 & eq2
- A
must be declared withhasOld=True
in order to callupdateOld()
, sou1 = CellVariable(name="u1", mesh=mesh, value=u10, hasOld=True) u2 = CellVariable(name="u2", mesh=mesh, value=u20, hasOld=True)
Full code that seems to work is here
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