Collapsing Rows With Nan Entries In Pandas Dataframe
I have a pandas DataFrame with rows of data:: # objectID grade OS method object_id_0001 AAA Mac organic object_id_0001 AAA Mac NA object_id_0001 AA
Solution 1:
Quick and Dirty
This works and has for a long time. However, some claim that this is a bug that may be fixed. As it is currently implemented, first
returns the first non-null element if it exists per column.
df.groupby('objectID', as_index=False).first()
objectID grade OS method0 object_id_0001 AAA Mac organic
1 object_id_0002 ABC Win NaN
pd.DataFrame([d.lookup(d.notna().idxmax(), d.columns)], columns=d.columns)
for _, d in df.groupby('objectID')
], ignore_index=True)
objectID grade OS method0 object_id_0001 AAA Mac organic
1 object_id_0002 ABC Win NaN
df.set_index('objectID').stack().groupby(level=[0, 1]).head(1).unstack()
grade OS method
object_id_0001 AAA Mac organic
object_id_0002 ABC Win None
If by chance those are strings ('NA'
df.mask(df.astype(str).eq('NA')).groupby('objectID', as_index=False).first()
Solution 2:
One alternative, more mechanical way
def aggregate(s):
u = s[s.notnull()].unique()
ifnot u.size: return np.nan
return u
grade OS method
object_id_0001 AAA Mac organic
object_id_0002 ABC Win NaN
Solution 3:
This will work bfill
+ drop_duplicates
objectID grade OS method0 object_id_0001 AAA Mac organic
3 object_id_0002 ABC Win NaN
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