Using Boto To Find To Which Device And EBS Volume Is Mounted
Solution 1:
I believe attach_data.device is what your looking for. part of volume.
Heres an example, not sure if this is the best way, but it outputs volumeid, instanceid, and attachment_data something like:
Attached Volume ID - Instance ID - Device Name
vol-12345678 - i-ab345678 - /dev/sdp
vol-12345678 - i-ab345678 - /dev/sda1
vol-12345678 - i-cd345678 - /dev/sda1
import boto
ec2 = boto.connect_ec2()
res = ec2.get_all_instances()
instances = [i for r in res for i in r.instances]
vol = ec2.get_all_volumes()
def attachedvolumes():
print 'Attached Volume ID - Instance ID','-','Device Name'
for volumes in vol:
if volumes.attachment_state() == 'attached':
filter = {'block-device-mapping.volume-id'}
volumesinstance = ec2.get_all_instances(filters=filter)
ids = [z for k in volumesinstance for z in k.instances]
for s in ids:
# Get a list of unattached volumes
def unattachedvolumes():
for unattachedvol in vol:
state = unattachedvol.attachment_state()
if state == None:
print, state
Solution 2:
It isn't clear if you're running this from the instance itself or externally. If the latter, you will not need the metadata call. Just supply the instance id.
from boto.ec2.connection import EC2Connection
from boto.utils import get_instance_metadata
conn = EC2Connection()
m = get_instance_metadata()
volumes = [v for v in conn.get_all_volumes() if v.attach_data.instance_id == m['instance-id']]
print volumes[0].attach_data.device
Note that an instance may have multiple volumes, so robust code won't assume there's a single device.
Solution 3:
If you also want the block device mappings (in linux, the local device name of the EBS volume), you can also use EC2Connection.get_instance_attribute
to retrieve a list of the local device names and their corresponding EBS objects:
def get_block_device_mapping(instance_id):
return conn.get_instance_attribute(
This will return a dictionary with local device names as keys, and EBS objects as values (from which you can get all sorts of things like the volume-id).
Solution 4:
The best way I've found is to get all resources in one region at a time and associate them yourself:
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import boto.ec2
REGION = 'us-east'
CONN = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(REGION)
def main():
volumes = conn.get_all_volumes()
for volume in volumes:
print volume
# Match to an instance id
print volume.attach_data.instance_id
# # Object attributes:
# print volume.__dict__
# # Object methods:
# print(dir(volume))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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