Loop Through Span Elements In Selenium Python, AttributeError: 'list' Object Has No Attribute 'click'
I want to loop through a list of span elements and make Selenium click all span elements available. Currently I'm getting an AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'click'.
Solution 1:
Here is your problem: method self._find_all(self, locator)
returns a list of elements, so instead of use it as
def _click_all(self, locator):
you should do
def _click_all(self, locator):
for element in self._find_all(locator):
Also note that if clicking target element triggers page refresh/navigation to new page, you will get StaleElementReferenceException
, so _click_all()
might be applied to list of elements that performs some actions on static page
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait as wait
def _click_all(self, locator):
counter = len(self._find_all(locator))
for index in range(counter):
wait(self.driver, 10).until(lambda driver: len(self._find_all(locator)) == counter)
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