Error Switching To Iframe Selenium Python
Currently I'm attempting to switch to iframe/fancybox, but i'm getting the following error: line 237, in check_response raise exception_class (message, screen, stacktrace) selenium
Solution 1:
The id
and name
attributes looks dynamic (the number doesn't match in the code and html). You can try to locate by partial id
_iframe_ = {"by": By.CSS_SELECTOR, "value": "[id*='fancybox-frame']"}
# "[name*='fancybox-frame']"
As a side note, frame()
can receive id
as parameter
Would have worked (except for the dynamic issue of course).
Solution 2:
To identify the <iframe>
properly you have to change the Locator Strategy
as follows :
_iframe_ = {"by": By.XPATH, "value": "//iframe[@class='fancybox-iframe' and starts-with(@id,'fancybox-frame') and contains(@src,'/reminder/add/relation/')]"}
def __init__(self, driver):
super(BasePage, self).__init__()
self.driver = driver
WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.frame_to_be_available_and_switch_to_it((self._iframe_)))
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