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Python Return Eval Value Within Function?

def input(): h = eval(input('Enter hours worked: \n')) return h def main(): hours = input() print(hours) main() As you can tell, I'm new to Python. I keep gett

Solution 1:

You define a function called input in the first line that takes zero arguments and then when you call the input function later (which I assume you intended it to call the one that comes with Python and may have accidentally overridden) you pass it one variable.

# don't try to override the buil-in function
def input_custom():
    h = eval(input("Enter hours worked: \n"))
    return h

def main():
    hours = input_custom()

Solution 2:

input() is the name of a builtin Python function.

In your code, you override it, which is definitely not a good idea. Try naming your function something else:

def get_hours():
    h = eval(input("Enter hours worked: \n"))
    return h

def main():
    hours = get_hours()


Solution 3:

Change your input function with a different name since input is a method in python.

def inputx():
     h = eval(input("Enter hours worked: \n"))
     return h

 def main():
     hours = inputx()


Solution 4:

I can't replicate your exact error - instead I get:

TypeError: input() takes no arguments (1 given)

But, your error is likely caused by the same thing - when you name your function input, you shadow the built-in input: Python can't see both, even though yours doesn't expect a prompt. If you name yours myinput instead, Python can tell the difference:

def myinput():
    h = eval(input("Enter hours worked: \n"))
    return h

def main():
    hours = myinput()

Solution 5:

Other answers have covered a lot.. I would just like add some thoughts to it. First of all your function name input is overriding the python builtin function

so first of all

def my_input():
    return input("Enter hours worked: ")
print my_input()

This should suffice.


Now if you are using Python 2.X version then there is no need for eval.

input(): Python by default evaluates the input expression if it is recognized by python.

raw_input(): Here the input is taken as a string which needs to be evaluated.

In case of Python3.x:

input() behaves like raw_input() and raw_input() is removed.

So your code should be

def my_input():
    return float(input("Enter hours worked: "))

It is safer and better way to take inputs and also tells us why eval is not recommended.

You don't know what's gonna come through that door.

Thank you.

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