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How To Thread Multiple Subprocess Instances In Python 2.7?

I have three commands that would otherwise be easily chained together on the command-line like so: $ echo foo | firstCommand - | secondCommand - | thirdCommand - > finalOutput

Solution 1:

To emulate:

echo foo |
firstCommand - | somePythonRoutine - |
secondCommand - | anotherPythonRoutine - |
thirdCommand - > finalOutput

your current approach with threads works:

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

first = Popen(["firstCommand", "-"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, bufsize=1)
second = Popen(["secondCommand", "-"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, bufsize=1)
bind(first.stdout, second.stdin, somePythonRoutine)
with open("finalOutput", "wb") as file:
    third = Popen(["thirdCommand", "-"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=file, bufsize=1)
bind(second.stdout, third.stdin, anotherPythonRoutine)

# provide input for the pipeline

# wait for it to complete
pipestatus = [p.wait() for p in [first, second, third]]

where each bind() starts a new thread:

from threading import Thread

def bind(input_pipe, output_pipe, line_filter):
    def f():
            for line in iter(input_pipe.readline, b''):
                line = line_filter(line)
                if line:
                    output_pipe.write(line) # no flush unless newline present
    t = Thread(target=f)
    t.daemon = True # die if the program exits

and somePythonRoutine, anotherPythonRoutine accept a single line and return it (possibly modified).

Solution 2:

The point of communicate() is that it returns the output of the process. This collides with your pipe setup.

You should only call it once on the third process; all the other ones are connected via pipes and know how to communicate with each other - no other / manual intervention is necessary.

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